From SEED Curlewis 1:100,000 mapsheet vegetation mapping. VIS_ID 803
Vegetation Classification of the area bounded by the Curlewis 1:100,000 scale mapsheet (8935). Vegetation classified by floristic groups and structural characteristics. (VIS_ID... -
From SEED Myall Lakes National Park South East Vegetation 1993. VIS_ID 498
Vegetation community mapping for the South East portion of Myall Lakes National Park by McNair, 1993.VIS_ID 498 -
From SEED Watchimbark Nature Reserve Threatened Ecological Community Mapping 2009. VIS_ID 4491
Mapping of Threatened Ecological Communities within Watchimbark Nature Reserve as at 12 August 2009. VIS_ID 4491 -
From SEED Tomaree National Park Vegetation 1998. VIS_ID 661
Vegetation community mapping for Tomaree National Park by unknown, 1998. Steve Bell undertook the vegetation survey there so perhaps he did the mapping as well. A (previous)... -
From SEED Skillion and Yarravel Nature Reserves Vegetation 2002. VIS_ID 616
Vegetation mapping for both Skillion Nature Reserve and Yarravel Nature Reserve by Penny and Keith Kendall in 2002. A Mid North Coast NPWS Region contract. VIS_ID 616 -
From SEED Richmond River Nature Reserve Vegetation 2007. VIS_ID 575
Draft vegetation community mapping for Richmond River Nature Reserve by Ian Gaskill, Ballina Shire Council in 2007. Hurriedly completed for NPWS Reserve Fire Management... -
From SEED Maria National Park Vegetation 2001. VIS_ID 456
Vegetation community mapping for Maria National Park by Penny and Keith Kendall, 2001. A Mid North Coast NPWS Region contract. Mapping derived from aerial photography and PATN... -
From SEED NABERS Energy Explorer
The NABERS Energy Explorer (formerly NABERS Home Rating Tool) is a free application that aims to promote energy efficiency in Australian homes. Users are invited to answer... -
From SEED Myall Lakes National Park North East Vegetation 1986. VIS_ID 497
Vegetation community mapping for the North East portion of Myall Lakes National Park by Myerscough and Carolyn, 1986. VIS_ID 497 -
From SEED Myall Lakes National Park Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 495
Vegetation community broad mapping for Myall Lakes National Park by John Hunter in 2000. A Hunter NPWS Region contract. VIS_ID 495 -
From SEED Cathedral Rock National Park Vegetation 1994. VIS_ID 173.
Vegetation community mapping for Cathedral Rock National Park by I.Roberts for the Northern Resource Audit Council (NRAC) in 1994. VIS_ID 173. -
From SEED Bellinger River National Park Vegetation 1999. VIS_ID 87
Vegetation community mapping for Bellinger River National Park by Greg Elks, 1999 for Austeco Pty Ltd. A Dorrigo NPWS District Contract. VIS_ID 87 -
From SEED Yarriabini National Park Vegetation 2007. VIS_ID 740
Vegetation community mapping for Yarriabini National Park by Eco Logical (Julian Wall) in 2007. A North Coast NPWS Region Contract.VIS_ID 740 -
From OpenGov NSW Climate Change Fund Annual Report 2013-2014
The Climate Change Fund (CCF) was established in 2007 under the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987. Activities under the Fund are reported for the seventh financial... -
From OpenGov Proposed highway link : F3 Freeway to Branxton : environmental impact...
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) at the request of the Federal Department of Transport (DoT), has completed investigations for a new highway corridor between the F3 Freeway... -
From OpenGov Windsor Road : environmental overview
Windsor Road is a major north/south arterial link serving the growing North West Sector of Sydney. The route acts as a major transport route linking the North West Sector to... -
From OpenGov Narellan Road extension : review of environmental factors
The RTA is proposing to extend Narellan Road between Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road in south western Sydney. This would involve the construction of a new 1440 metres... -
From OpenGov Parkes Bypass : addendum review of environmental factors
This addendum Review of Environmental Factors (REF) has been prepared by Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd on behalf of TfNSW. For the purposes of these works, Transport for NSW is the... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Management Benefits - Series 2
Native Vegetation Management Benefits (NVMB) mapping NVMB mapping is a way of identifying the relative benefits to NSW biodiversity of protecting or restoring native vegetation.... -
From SEED Transitional native vegetation regulatory (NVR) map - category 2-vulnerable...
The transitional NVR - category 2-vulnerable regulated land layer is a component of the transitional NVR map. The transitional NVR Map was prepared by Department of Planning and...