From SEED Vegetation map by 3D digital image interpretation: Vegetation of...
This project produced high accuracy (87%) vegetation map of NSW VCA Plant Community Types (Benson et al. 2006; Benson 2008). This a priori vegetation classification is... -
From SEED Mt Kaputar National Park Vegetation. VIS_ID 930
Amalgamation of Mt Kaputar South (Porteners 1998) and Mt Kaputar North (Hunter 2000) vegetation maps. This dataset was created to provide a consistent vegetation map of the... -
NSW People Matter Employee Survey
The annual NSW People Matter Employee Survey provides an important opportunity for almost 400,000 employees to have a say about their workplace and to help make the public... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Local Version) for the Mid North...
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales: State: Areas identified... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands for the Mid North Coast Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales; State: Areas identified... -
From SEED Lower Hunter Vegetation Mapping, 2013. VIS_ID 4513
This data is a compilation of existing vegetation mapping within the Lower Hunter region. Additional vegetation surveying has been undertaken in Cessnock LGA to refine existing... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Regional Version) for the Mid...
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales; State: Areas identified... -
From SEED Proposed residential developments Green Road and Rosebery Road Kellyville...
Proposed residential developments Green Road and Rosebery Road Kellyville regional scrub and heath survey -
From SEED Australian Plague Locust Commission NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service...
Australian Plague Locust Commission NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Functional File June 1992. -
From SEED Small Mammal Trapping Report. Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Limited...
Small Mammal Trapping Report. Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Limited (SJXK000615DI-DY) (Oct. 1996). -
From SEED Flora and Fauna Assessment of the Kullatine and Willi Willi Creek Catchments...
Flora and Fauna Assessment of the Kullatine and Willi Willi Creek Catchments (March. 1994). -
From SEED Faunal Impact Statement - Proposed Development of Telecom Site at Roberts...
Faunal Impact Statement - Proposed Development of Telecom Site at Roberts Road, Greenacre (Aug. 1993). -
From SEED Fauna Impact Statement. Saltwater Heavy Minerals Project Mineral Deposits...
Fauna Impact Statement. Saltwater Heavy Minerals Project Mineral Deposits LTD. (Gunninah Consultants. March 1992) . -
From SEED Fauna Impact Statement for Proposed Residential Development at Wanda Avenue...
Fauna Impact Statement for Proposed Residential Development at Wanda Avenue Salamander Bay (July. 1995). -
From SEED Environmental Impact Statement North Cliff Coal Project (SJJT0404280T-2Q)...
Environmental Impact Statement North Cliff Coal Project (SJJT0404280T-2Q) (Dec. 1989). -
From SEED Ecological Inventory and Survey - Wetland plant communities and flora of the...
Ecological Inventory and Survey - Wetland plant communities and flora of the Lower Shoalhaven Region Catchments. -
From SEED Charbon Colliery. Fourth Entry Flora and Fauna Assessment. Preliminary...
Charbon Colliery. Fourth Entry Flora and Fauna Assessment. Preliminary Report (SJXK00060500-IW) (Dec. 1999). -
From SEED Brunswick Heads Bypass of the Pacific Highway. Endangered Fauna License...
Brunswick Heads Bypass of the Pacific Highway. Endangered Fauna License Application - Decision Report (Nov. 1994). -
From SEED Attachment A. Baseline assessment, Evans Head Air Defence Weapons Range...
Attachment A. Baseline assessment, Evans Head Air Defence Weapons Range (SJXK00050800-22) (July. 1999). -
From SEED A pilot survey of six rare plants in New South Wales M.G. Cooper
A pilot survey of six rare plants in New South Wales M.G. Cooper