From SEED Environmental Impact Statement for a concrete batching plant, Cessnock
Environmental Impact Statement for a concrete batching plant, Cessnock -
From Flood Data Portal Narrandera Flood Study Review and Levee Options Assessment - Spacial Floor Layers
Assessed Flood Protection Measures Catchments Flood Extents Flood Planning Impacts on Flood Protections Schemes Provisional Flood Hazard and Hydraulic Categorisation Sensitivity... -
From SEED NSW Identified Wilderness
Boundaries of identified wilderness areas in NSW under S.6 of the Wilderness Act 1987. Under the Wilderness Act 1987, wilderness is land which: • is substantially unmodified by... -
From SEED Report on geotechnical investigation proposed hard rock quarry Sutton 1996 /
Introduction -- 2. Site description, geology and background -- 3. Field work methods, -- 4. Field work results, -- 5. Laboratory testing, -- 6. Comments, -- Appendix A: Notes... -
From SEED Proposed quarry rehabilitation, Adams Road, Luddenham environmental impact...
Kolback Environmental Services Limited (KES) proposes to develop a clay/shale quarry on Lot 3 Adams Road Luddenham in Sydney's south west. As part of this development the quarry... -
From ePlanning Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard
The Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard (BAM market sales dashboard) provides current sales data for biodiversity credits created using the Biodiversity Assessment... -
From ePlanning NSW bathymetry sourced from multibeam and marine lidar surveys
Bathymetric (depth) information were sourced from the NSW statewide marine lidar bathymetry data collected in 2018 and multibeam echosounder surveys conducted by the NSW... -
From SEED Salinity Potential of Western Sydney
This map depicts the distribution and potential severity of dryland salinity based on biophysical factors that are known to cause dryland salinity. The mapping shows four... -
From SEED Penrose Quarry. Annual Monitoring of Hanging Rock Swamp (Feb. 2000).
Penrose Quarry. Annual Monitoring of Hanging Rock Swamp (Feb. 2000). -
From SEED Fauna Impact Statement. North Nowra-Bomaderry Link Road (Oct. 1992).
Fauna Impact Statement. North Nowra-Bomaderry Link Road (Oct. 1992). -
From SEED National Parks discovery walks talks and tours. Geoheritage theme kit
National Parks discovery walks talks and tours. Geoheritage theme kit -
From SEED Statewide cultural heritage data audit, integration and analysis (Non-Indigenous)
Statewide cultural heritage data audit, integration and analysis (Non-Indigenous) -
From SEED Reserve design land assessment unit National Parks and Wildlife Service
Reserve design land assessment unit National Parks and Wildlife Service -
From SEED Hydraulic assessment for proposed Rosehill-Camellia Station Parramatta rail link
Hydraulic assessment for proposed Rosehill-Camellia Station Parramatta rail link -
From SEED Statement of evidence - Issue 1 NSW Land and Environment Court
Statement of evidence - Issue 1 NSW Land and Environment Court -
From SEED Parramatta Rail Link flora and fauna technical report A1
Parramatta Rail Link flora and fauna technical report A1 -
From SEED Goaf ejection stack rehabilitation project - Natural and Cultural Heritage assessment
Goaf ejection stack rehabilitation project - Natural and Cultural Heritage assessment -
From SEED Flora and fauna assessment McRoss developments Appin Rd, Appin
Flora and fauna assessment McRoss developments Appin Rd, Appin -
From SEED Parramatta Rail Link EIS follow - up flora and fauna report
Parramatta Rail Link EIS follow - up flora and fauna report -
From SEED Lane Cove National Park Weir Precinct review of environmental factors
Lane Cove National Park Weir Precinct review of environmental factors