From SEED Environmental impact statement for the establishment of a river sand and...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for the establishment of a river sand and gravel processing plant upon "Alabama", Rouchel Road near Aberdeen within the "area defined by... -
From SEED NSW coastal nearshore reef extent 2017
Nearshore reef extent was classified for the NSW coast using best-available high resolution aerial imagery. Statewide mapping of nearshore reef extent was performed from 2010 to... -
From OpenGov Review of environmental factors for proposed civil works in Greystanes Estate
A rapid bus only transitway is planned to be constructed from Blacktown to Wetherill Park in 2006. Approximately 3.3 km of the transitway route runs through an existing quarry... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)
Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)-Namoi
Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It... -
From SEED Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping, Condamine-Balonne - VIS_ID 4453
The Murray-Darling Basin Plan (available at http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2012L02240) was developed under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007and aims to deliver a coordinated... -
From ePlanning ANUCLIM Annual Mean Rainfall raster layer
The Annual Mean Rainfall dataset was created using ANUCLIM software and the 1 second SRTM DEM-S (smoothed Digital Elevation Model) data. Climate variables generated by ANUCLIM... -
From Flood Data Portal Throsby, Styx and Cottage Creek Flood Study post-processed results
TUFLOW model post-processed results: - peak flood depth - peak flood velocity - peak flood elevation - peak flood Hazard (H1-H6) - flood function - flood planning area - flood... -
From SEED Hunter Wetlands National Park Vegetation 1993. VIS_ID 389
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996... -
From Flood Data Portal Davistown and Empire Bay Floodplain Risk Management Study - Reports
Data contains: * floodplain risk management study * floodplain risk management plan * mapping compendium * appendices -
From SEED Exeter Quarry extension : environmental impact statement 1999 /
For the past 20 years, high quality basalt products have been produced at Exeter Quarry and distributed to markets in the Southern Highlands, Sydney metropolitan area,... -
From SEED Southern Mallee Pre-Clearing Vegetation Map, with Lower Murray Darling...
Map from: Val, J.D. (1998). The Pre-clearing Natural Vegetation of the Southern Mallee Planning Region. Report and Data prepared for the Southern Mallee Regional Planning... -
From SEED Proposed sand extraction : portions 157, 158, 159 and Lot 1, DP 566898 and...
EIS: Proposed sand extraction : portions 157, 158, 159 and Lot 1, DP 566898 and Lot 6, DP 232448, Lot 1, DP 500175, Lot 4, DP 528257, Lot 2, DP 557070, part portions 190 and... -
From SEED Proposed quarry rehabilitation, Adams Road, Luddenham environmental impact...
Ferndale Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a clay/shale quarry on Lot 3 Adams Road Luddenham in Sydney’s south west. As part of this development the quarry void will be... -
From SEED Report on geotechnical investigation proposed hard rock quarry Sutton 1995 /
Introduction -- 2. Site description, geology and background -- 3. Field work methods, -- 4. Field work results, -- 5. Laboratory testing, -- 6. Comments, -- Appendix A: Notes... -
From SEED Environmental impact statement : Grafton Management Area
v. A. Main report / Margules Groome Pöyry Pty Ltd --v. B. Appendix 1 -- Grafton management area EIS supporting documents nos. 1-6: no. 1. Terrestrial fauna of the Grafton and... -
From OpenGov The evidence on the costs and impacts on the economy and productivity due to...
The Mental Health Commission of NSW is an independent body which helps drive reform that benefits people who experience mental illness and their families and carers. The... -
From SEED NSW State-wide Hydrogeological Landscapes 2020 (First Edition)
This integrated state-wide hydrogeological landscapes ( HGL) dataset provides a: * consistent salinity hazard map layer at state-wide scale; * data capture mechanism for all HGL... -
From SEED Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOAs)
The Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOA) dataset contains the boundaries of the 7 IFOA regions which apply across NSW. The regions include the Upper North East, Lower... -
From SEED Multi Attribute Data - Brunswick River Catchment - Landform and Condition Dataset
The multiple attribute mapping process provides a vector based inventory of the landscape in terms of slope, terrain, landuse, vegetation, presence of tree regrowth, tree and...