From SEED Gwydir River National Park & State Conservation Area Vegetation 2009 - 2012...
Gwydir River National Park and State Conservation Area vegetation mapping was undertaken in various stages by Dr John T. Hunter from 2009 to 2012 by contract for the NPWS... -
From SEED NSW BioNet Indicative Threatened Ecological Community, Population and...
This data represents the indicative known and predicted distributions of threatened ecological communities, population and species. These data are a snapshot of data held and... -
From SEED Google Earth Engine Burnt Area Map (GEEBAM)
PLEASE NOTE: GEEBAM is an interim product and there is no ground truthing or assessment of accuracy. Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) data should be used for accurate... -
From SEED Vegetation Map for the Northern Rivers CMA VIS_ID 524
A vegetation map was produced for the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (NRCMA) by integrating two products undertaken for the northern Comprehensive Regional... -
From SEED Sydney Harbour Coastal Saltmarsh Ecological Endangered Community. VIS_ID 4157
An assessment of saltmarsh of Sydney Harbour and the Parramatta River by NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla. The first map showing the distribution of saltmarsh for... -
From SEED Map of Critically Endangered Ecological Communities NSW Version 6.0
As of 05 May 2021 this map data has been superseded for operational use by Threatened Ecological Communities Greater Sydney. The CEEC product is no longer being maintained.... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Goulburn 1:250,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Curlewis 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA), Version 7 (Regions)
Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) version 7.0 represents a landscape based approach to classifying the land surface of Australia. 89 biogeographic... -
From SEED Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA), Version 7 (Subregions)
Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) version 7.0 represents a landscape based approach to classifying the land surface of Australia. 89 biogeographic... -
From SEED Imagery-Satellite-SPOT 2005-2007
The NSW SPOT 5 imagery product is known as the Planning and Natural Resource Information Intergration Environment Project (PANRIIE) and is a state-wide satellite imagery product... -
From SEED Imagery-Satellite-SPOT 2010-2015
The NSW SPOT 5 imagery product is a state-wide satellite imagery product provided by the Remote Sensing and Regulatory Mapping team of NSW Government. Capture dates for imagery... -
From SEED Imagery-Satellite-SPOT 2019
The NSW SPOT6/7 imagery product is a state-wide satellite imagery product provided by DCS Spatial for NSW Government. The images were captured June 2019 through to August 2019.... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Other Structure
The Other Structure Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Other Structure layer includes infrastructure items... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Drainage Point
The Drainage Point Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Drainage Point layer includes Stormwater Outlets, Stormwater... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Fence Handrail
The Fence Handrail Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Fence Handrail polyline layer includes either fences or... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Gate
The Gate Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Gate point layer is only indicative for locked gates and the... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Tower
The Tower Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Towers layer includes Communication Towers, Fire Towers, Flag Poles,... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Sign
The Sign Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Signs layer includes Panel, Plank and Totem signs on and sometimes... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Building
The Building Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Building point layer includes Accommodation, Amenities,...