From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2020/21
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has developed... -
From SEED Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) Mapping for the Gondwana Rainforests of...
Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) mapping for the border region of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area most likely undertaken as a Caring for Country... -
From SEED Boonoo Boonoo National Park Vegetation 1999_2006 VIS_ID 4716
Boonoo Boonoo National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 1999 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region along with Bald Rock National Park.... -
From SEED CRAFTI Upper North East Floristics VIS 1108
Comprehensive Reserve Assessment Upper North East Aerial Photo Interpretation Mapping Project.; ; "NPWS (2001) 'Completion of GIS products for the Upper North East CRAFTI... -
From SEED Adelyne State Conservation Area (SCA) vegetation map and Cobbora SCA...
This map was constructed using pre-existing line work from the Regional Fire Management Strategy and was then reattributed with VIS Classification plant community types (PCTs)... -
From SEED Vegetation of Guyra 1:100,000 VISID_561
The remnant natural vegetation (excluding native grasslands) of the Guyra 1: 100 000 map sheet area was sampled by way of 312 20 m � 20 m plots in which all vascular species... -
From ePlanning NSW seabed reef extent derived from marine lidar, multibeam and aerial imagery
Rocky reef polygons were delineated from bathymetry data for the NSW seabed. Bathymetry data was sourced from marine lidar data, multibeam echosounder data and aerial imagery.... -
From SEED Kings Plain National Park Vegetation 2000 VIS_ID 4741
Kings Plain National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2000 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Kings Plain National Park... -
From SEED Western Regional Assessment API Vegetation Data VIS ID 1028
Map from Beckers, D. & Binns, D. (May 2000). Vegetation Survey and Mapping (Stage 1). NSW Western Regional Assessments. RACAC. ; API map of floristics in areas previously... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Mullion Range SRA and Wambool, Freemantle, Girralang...
Vegetation map digitised from Porteners, M.F. (2000). Vegetation Survey of Mullion Range SRA & Wambool, Freemantle, Girralang & Eugowra Nature Reserves (Central West... -
From SEED Vegetation map - Breelong and Drillwarrina National Parks. VIS_ID 4529
Existing vegetation surveys and mapping were reviewed and supplemented with 16 additional full floristic vegetation plots and over 230 rapid data points (RDPs). Plant Community... -
From ePlanning NESP Biodiversity Hub Hunter Marine Park Towed Video Imagery
Raw downward facing still imagery of the seabed for Hunter Marine Park acquired using NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment towed video system aboard RV Bombora... -
From SEED Washpool National Park Eastern Section Vegetation 2013 VIS_ID 4370
Vegetation community mapping for eastern Washpool National Park, 2013. A Northern Tablelands NPWS Region contract with EcoLogical. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Washpool National... -
From SEED Modelled pre-1750 Vegetation Map of Gundagai Shire. VIS_ID 3961
Modelled pre-1750 Vegetation of Gundagai Shire. Pre-European vegetation was modelled to show the distribution of the major vegetation types across Gundagai Shire prior to... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Woggoon and Tollingo Nature Reserves VIS_ID 1007
"Vegetation map from: Portners, M.F. (2001). Vegetation Survey of Woggoon and Tollingo Nature Reserves (Central West Region of NSW). Report for the NSW National Parks and... -
From Transport NSW Transport Theme - Transport Facility Line
This data is maintained by the Spatial Services Spatial Data Services. If you have any questions with regards to this dataset, please contact SS-SDS@customerservice.nsw.gov.au... -
From SEED Australian Gridded Solar Climatology Web Data Services
These datasets are long term averages of solar radiation at the surface over the Australian land mass. Applications of these data include solar energy, agriculture, building... -
From SEED Archive 2019 - Transitional - Vulnerable Regulated Land
This record is now superseded. The current record for ‘Transitional – Vulnerable Regulated Land' can be viewed here. Vulnerable Regulated Land layer is a component of the Native... -
From SEED South East Local Land Services Biometric vegetation map, 2014. VIS_ID 4211
Eco Logical Australia was contracted by the South East Local Land Services to compile a seamless standardised vegetation map, from a combination of existing available data and... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1612
"This map and report (cited below) present the results of research on the rate of change of native woody vegetation in the Central New South Wales wheatbelt. The study was...