From SEED Potential natural vegetation for Ashford, Bingara, Inverell and Yallaroi VIS_ID 3795
Potential natural vegetation is mapped to local scale plant community level in the Ashford (NSW portion), Bingara, Inverell and Yallaroi 1 : 100 000 mapsheets. The mapsheets... -
From SEED Vegetation and Floristics of Mt Kaputar National Park VIS_ID 931
The vegetation of Mt Kaputar national Park is described and mapped (scale 1:25 000). Ten communities are defined based on PATN analysis. Ten communities are mapped based on... -
From SEED Forest Ecosystem Grid for CRA Upper North East. VIS_ID 3882
Map of the distribution of each forest ecosystem across extant forest in the Upper North East CRA region. Two separate classifications and mapping techniques were used to derive... -
From SEED Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Stems raw data V1.2
Vegetation Condition Benchmarks describe the reference state to which sites are compared to score their site-scale biodiversity values or set goals for management or... -
From SEED Jubullum Vegetation 2017 VIS_ID 4777
Landmark Ecological Services was approached Nov 2017 to undertake a rapid flora and fauna assessment of Lots 53 and 55 IN DP 14212, which are adjacent to the Rocky River about 5... -
From SEED Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Litter raw data V1.2
Vegetation Condition Benchmarks describe the reference state to which sites are compared to score their site-scale biodiversity values or set goals for management or... -
From SEED Eastern Bushlands Database Central VIS_ID 181
The data set is a digital representation of the coarse vegetation cover in the eastern plains, eastern slopes and tablelands (generally the eastern division of NSW). The data... -
From SEED The Native Vegetation of North-west Wollemi National Park and Surrounds:...
This layer contains digital mapping of the vegetation communities of the North-west Wollemi Nationa Park and surrounds. Derived from Aerial Photographic Interpretation with... -
From SEED Condobolin Native Vegetation Mapping Program VIS_ID 1597
This report describes the native vegetation communities that occur within the Bogan Gate, Boona Mount, Condobolin, Dandaloo, Tottenham and Tullamore 1: 100 000 map sheets.... -
From SEED Vegetation of Careunga Nature Reserves, 2006. VIS_ID 4022
The vegetation of Careunga Nature Reserves is described and mapped (scale 1:50 000). Four communities are defined based on classification (Kulczynski association). These four... -
From SEED Booroolong Nature Reserve Vegetation 2014 VIS_ID 4718
Booroolong Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2014 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Booroolong Nature Reserve lies... -
From SEED Timbarra National Park Vegetation 2011 VIS_ID 4756
Timbarra National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2011 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Timbarra National Park is located 28km... -
From SEED Imbota Nature Reserve Vegetation 2003 VIS_ID 4739
Imbota Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2003 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Imbota Nature Reserve is located... -
From SEED Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) Mapping for the Greater Blue Mountains...
Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) mapping for the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area as undertaken by Kleinfelder Ecobiological in 2012. Kleinfelder Ecobiological was... -
From SEED Potential natural vegetation for Cobbadah, Manilla and Tamworth VIS_ID 3797
Potential natural vegetation is mapped to local scale plant community level in the Cobbadah, Manilla and Tamworth 1 : 100 000 mapsheets. The mapsheets fall within the Namoi and... -
From SEED Oxley Wild Rivers National Park & State Conservation Area Vegetation 2014 ...
In 2012, the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) commissioned Eco Logical Australia (ELA) to conduct a comprehensive vegetation survey of Oxley Wild Rivers National... -
From SEED Growth Centre Sydney Existing Native Vegetation ENV2009 x 2007 Protected...
One of the key conditions of the biodiversity certification of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 is that 2,000 hectares of existing... -
From SEED Western Riverina Endangered Vegetation, 2002. VIS_ID 4094
Endangered vegetation of the Western Riverina. The 2002 mapping of native vegetation depicts the native vegetation that currently exists within the WRNVR (Western Riverina... -
From SEED Growth Centre Sydney Existing Native Vegetation ENV2003 x 2007 Protected...
One of the key conditions of the biodiversity certification of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 is that 2,000 hectares of existing... -
From SEED Avondale State Conservation Area Vegetation 2014 VIS_ID 4706
Avondale State Conservation Area vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2014 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Avondale State Conservation...