From Transport Parking Offences
Parking related penalty notices issued by issuing authority, financial year and offence. -
From City of Sydney Road names
No notes provided -
From Transport Speed Zones
Speed zones are set to enable drivers travelling at a speed limit to safely respond to potential risks in the road environment. This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones... -
From Transport NSW Speed Cameras
Speed cameras are speed enforcement tools that encourage drivers to slow down and help to reduce the road toll. All speed cameras in NSW are signposted. This dataset includes... -
From Transport Street Light Location
Street lighting is a vital community asset that helps our community feel safer and more secure. Ausgrid maintains streetlights within our network area on behalf of local... -
From Transport Sydney Region Carriageway
A carriageway is width of roadway for the movement of vehicles. There are single carriageways and dual carriageways represented as single or dual lines in the spatial... -
From Transport Local Roads Length
Local Road Length data in meters (Segment Length) broken down by Local Government Area (LGA), Street Name and Road Administrative Class (Local, Regional, State or Unincorporated... -
From Transport NSW State Roads Vertical Clearances
This dataset shows the minimum vertical clearance (in metres) of bridges over State Roads in NSW. This information is primarily for bridges on or over State Roads managed by... -
From Transport Loading Zones Kerbside
Location of Sydney CBD kerbside loading zones (for use by delivery vehicles when loading or unloading goods) by street and time of day (hourly). Returns ZIP file containing JSON... -
From Transport NorthConnex
NorthConnex is a nine kilometre twin tunnel linking the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills in Sydney’s north. It will deliver... -
From Transport NSW Crash Data
This dataset provides data professionals and road safety analysts direct access to road crash data. Ready access to this data helps you take on more detailed research and... -
From Spatial NSW Transport Theme - Aggregated Way Segment
Export Data Access API NSW Transport Theme - Aggregated Way Segment Please NoteWGS 84 service aligned to GDA94This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may... -
From Spatial NSW Transport Theme - Road Name Extent
Export Data Access API NSW Transport Theme - Road Name Extent Please NoteWGS 84 service aligned to GDA94This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may result in... -
From Spatial NSW Transport Theme multiCRS
Export Data Access APINSW Transport Theme multiCRS Service MultiCRS service - supporting requests in multiple Coordinate Reference Systems - Information Sheet A new series of... -
From Transport Freight Data
These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. The data includes: Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for... -
From Transport Car Share Bays
The City of Sydney supports car sharing to enable more sustainable travel habits and helps keep businesses and residents connected. This data is provided by City of Sydney and... -
From Transport Albion Park Bypass - New Section Opened
Transport for NSW wishes to advise a new section of motorway has opened between Yallah and Albion Park. This section of motorway, which is part of the Albion Park bypass, was... -
From Transport Road and Speed Data
The Open Data Hub has numerous data relating to roads and speed, whether it be the Sydney Region Carriageway, the Tolls on our NSW roads, or the speed zones and speed camera... -
From Transport NSW Toll Road Data
This is a link to the NSW Toll Road Data website. The datasets on this website contain traffic data for the following toll roads in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia that are... -
From Transport Alpha Numeric Route numbers
A new Road Numbering System The NSW Government has made significant improvement to how motorists can find their way across NSW. Transport for NSW has implemented a new system of...