Datový slovník

Sloupec Typ Název Popis
Licence number text
Licence type text
Status text
Start date text
Trading Status text
Licence name text
Address text
Suburb text
Postcode text
Latitude text
Longitude text
LGA text
Precinct text
Licensee text
Business type text
Authorisation restriction name text
Extended trading text
Reduced trading text
Primary service text
Right to keep gaming text
Unrestricted text
After12am text
After3am text
After5am text
SA2 text
Band text
GMEs text
PMPs text
Auth limit text
Unfulfilled Quota text
GMT text
EGMs text

Další informace

Pole Hodnota
Datum aktualizace dat 14. ledna 2021
Datum aktualizace metadat 14. ledna 2021
Vytvořeno neznámý
Formát CSV
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Media typetext/csv
Size5 486 803
Vytvořenopřed 4 lety
Ckan urlhttps://data.nsw.gov.au
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashFalse
Original urlhttps://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/297dfb0e-3b94-433b-be64-3bb0905e28a4/resource/62c1c34f-a9c6-44ea-a28c-59594c703139/download/premises-list-as-of-6-january-2021.csv
Package id297dfb0e-3b94-433b-be64-3bb0905e28a4
Resource id62c1c34f-a9c6-44ea-a28c-59594c703139
Set url typeFalse
Task created2021-01-14 09:10:54.547047
Url typeupload